
How To Autofit Row Height In Excel

The tutorial shows different means to modify row height and resize cells in Excel.

By default, all rows on a new workbook accept the same top. Notwithstanding, Microsoft Excel allows you lot to resize rows in different ways such equally changing row summit by using the mouse, car fitting rows and wrapping text. Further on in this tutorial, you will find full details on all these techniques.

  • Excel row acme - the basics
  • Change row pinnacle using the mouse
  • Set row height in Excel numerically
  • AutoFit row height in Excel
  • Adjust row height in inches
  • Excel row height tips

Excel row height

In Excel worksheets, the default row height is determined by the font size. As you increase or decrease the font size for a specific row(due south), Excel automatically makes the row taller or shorter.

Co-ordinate to Microsoft, with the default font Calibri 11, the row height is 12.75 points, which is approximately one/six inch or 0.4 cm. In do, in Excel 2029, 2016 and Excel 2013, row top varies depending on the display scaling (DPI) from 15 points on a 100% dpi to xiv.3 points on a 200% dpi.

You tin also ready a row pinnacle in Excel manually, from 0 to 409 points, with one point equal to approximately 1/72 inch or 0.035 cm. A hidden row has zero (0) height.

To check the current height of a given row, click the boundary below the row heading, and Excel will display the elevation in points and pixels:
Excel row height

How to modify row height in Excel using the mouse

The most common manner to arrange row superlative in Excel is by dragging the row border. It allows you lot to rapidly resize a single row also as change the height of multiple or all rows. Here'due south how:

How to prepare row height in Excel numerically

Equally mentioned a few paragraphs above, Excel row meridian is specified in points. So, you can adjust a row height past changing the default points. For this, select whatsoever cell in the row(s) you lot'd like to resize, and do the following:

  1. On the Dwelling house tab, in the Cells group, click Format > Row Height.
  2. In the Row elevation box, type the desired value, and click OK to save the change.

Setting the row height numerically

Another way to admission the Row Height dialog is to select a row(due south) of interest, correct-click, and choose Row Peak… from the context carte du jour:
Another way to change the row height in Excel

Tip. To brand all rows on the sheet the same size, either printing Crtl+A or click the Select All push button to select the unabridged sail, and then perform the to a higher place steps to set row height.

How to AutoFit row pinnacle in Excel

When copying data into Excel sheets, at that place are times when a row height does not adjust automatically. As the result, multi-line or unusually tall text is clipped like shown on the right-paw part of the screenshot below. To ready this, apply the Excel AutoFit characteristic that volition force the row to expand automatically to accommodate the largest value in that row.

To AutoFit rows in Excel, select ane or more rows, and do 1 of the post-obit:

Method 1. Double-click the lower purlieus of any row heading in the choice:
AutoFit rows in Excel

Method 2. On the Home tab, in the Cells group, click Format > AutoFit Row Superlative:
AutoFit row height in Excel.

Tip. To machine fit all rows on the sheet, press Ctrl + A or click the Select All button, then either double click the boundary between whatever two row headings or click Format > AutoFit Row Height on the ribbon.

How to arrange row meridian in inches

In some situations, for instance when preparing the worksheet for press, yous may want to fix the row summit in inches, centimeters or millimeters. To have it done, please follow these steps:

  1. Get to the View tab > Workbook Views group and click the Page Layout push. This will brandish the rulers showing the column width and row top in the default measurement unit: inches, centimeters or millimeters.
    Switch to the Page Layout view to display the ruler.
  2. Select i, several or all rows on the sheet, and gear up the desired row elevation by dragging the boundary below one of the selected row headings. As you do this, Excel will display the row height in inches similar shown in the screenshot below:
    Setting the row height in inches

Tip. To change the default measurement unit of measurement on the ruler, click File > Options > Advanced, coil down to the Display section, select the unit you lot want (inches, centimeters or millimeters) from the Ruler Units driblet-downwards list, and click OK.

Excel row top tips

As you accept but seen, changing row meridian in Excel is easy and straightforward. The following tips might assistance you resize cells in Excel even more efficiently.

ane. How to change cell size in Excel

Resizing cells in Excel boils down to changing column width and row superlative. By manipulating these values, you tin can increase cell size, make cells smaller, and even create a foursquare grid. For example, yous can use the post-obit sizes to make square cells:

Font Row height Column width
Arial 10 pt 12.75 1.71
Arial viii pt eleven.25 1.43

Alternatively, to make all cells the same size, press Ctrl + A and elevate rows and columns to a desired pixel size (as you drag and resize, Excel will display the row peak and column width in points / units and pixels). Please keep in mind that this method can only bear witness square cells on the screen, withal, it does not guarantee a foursquare filigree when printed.

2. How to change the default row height in Excel

As mentioned in the beginning of this tutorial, the row top in Excel is dependent on the font size, more precisely, on the size of the largest font used in the row. So, in society to increment or decrease the default row superlative, yous tin simply change the default font size. For this, click File > Options > General and specify your preferences under the When creating new workbooks department:
Changing the default row height in Excel

If you are non quite happy with the optimal row height set past Excel for your newly established default font, y'all can select the entire sheet, and change row height numerically or by using the mouse. Later that, relieve an empty workbook with your custom row pinnacle as an Excel template and base new workbooks on that template.

This is how you can alter row height in Excel. I thank y'all for reading and promise to see you on our weblog next calendar week!

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