How to Make a Line Graph in Excel: Explained Step-by-Step

Written by co-founder Kasper Langmann, Microsoft Function Specialist.

The line graph is one of the simplest graphs you can make in Excel. Simply that doesn't hateful information technology'due south not one of the best.

The most effective visuals are often the simplest—and line charts (another proper noun for the same graph) are some of the easiest to understand.

In that location'south just a line. That's it.

The simplicity of the line graph is its greatest forcefulness. Don't forget that.

Kasper Langmann, Co-founder of Spreadsheeto

Permit's accept a look at why you should use a line chart, how to set your information for it, and how to make it in Excel!

*This tutorial is for Excel 2019/Microsoft 365 (for Windows). Got a dissimilar version? No problem, y'all can still follow the verbal same steps.

Gratis video on line graphs

Sentinel my video and learn how to insert and edit a line graph in merely iv minutes.

Prefer text over video? So continue below!

Why use a line graph?

Of all the visuals in Excel, why choose a line chart? Plenty of other charts bear witness the aforementioned information, so why not use them?

Hither are a few significant advantages of line graphs:

1. They show things over time very well.

Bar charts and column charts tin can show things over time, merely it'southward non intuitively clear that the categories represent different temporal slices. On a line graph, people volition see this very quickly.

At that place are other good uses for line charts, just showing a value over time is one of the best.

2. They go far easy to encounter multiple sets of information.

Clustered and stacked charts let you testify a lot of data in a small space, but they can be difficult to read. Using dissimilar-colored lines in a line graph is much clearer.

You tin fifty-fifty bear witness interactions between values with this chart, which is not bad for complicated datasets.

three. It'due south easy to read.

Line charts are elementary. In fact, in their most basic form, they only comprise 1 affair: a line. You lot're going to be hard-pressed to detect someone who doesn't empathize the data you present in a line nautical chart.

Almost everyone is very familiar with these graphs, and that's a big reward over more than complicated options.

4. Additional information is easy to come across.

Error confined, data labels, tendency lines, and other useful statistical notations are very clear on line graphs. They can be represented on other types of charts, merely it'south like shooting fish in a barrel for them to become obscured.

Line charts solve that problem by leaving a lot of white space for you to work with.

Now that yous know why line charts are so useful, let'south take a look at creating them in Excel!

Kasper Langmann, Co-founder of Spreadsheeto

However, there are a few cases in which you might not want to use a line graph.

For example, they're not very good at showing proportions. A stacked column chart or a pie chart would be better there.

And while they're good at showing modify over time, a timeline might be meliorate represented past a Gantt chart.

Go your Gratuitous exercise file

If y'all'd similar to follow along and practise making line charts, you candownload the free exercise file to follow along.

Apply the same information we're using here to practice your skills!

BONUS: Download the Line GraphExercise File to go along with this post.

Formatting data for line charts

Formatting your information for employ in a line graph is very unproblematic.

Put each category and the associated value on one line:


We've put each value in a different column. Y'all could too put them in separate rows instead. Both work as well.

Kasper Langmann, Co-founder of Spreadsheeto

You can besides use multiple information points for each category.

For example, nosotros've added projected sales along with actual sales here:


You tin can include as many dissimilar lines in a line nautical chart as you want, just nosotros recommend keeping it to a handful at almost.

More than that makes your graph much harder to read.

That's all there is to it! Your information is probably organized like this already, and then permit'southward move on.

How to brand a line chart

One time your data is properly formatted, you lot can create your chart. It only takes a few clicks.

Outset,highlight the data you desire in the graph:


Then, open theInsert tab in the Ribbon. In theCharts group, click theInsert Line or Surface area Chart Button:


If you lot forget which button to click, merely hover over the options. Excel will tell you which one is which.

Kasper Langmann, Co-founder of Spreadsheeto

From the resulting bill of fare, click the2D line push:


When you click that, your line graph volition appear!


Editing line graphs

Excel'due south default colors and blueprint for line charts are nice, but there'southward a lot of customization yous tin can exercise to brand it look better.

The easiest way to practice this is with chart styles.

Open theDesign tab in the Ribbon, and you'll see a number of bachelor styles. Mouse over them to meet a preview:


Clicking any of these styles will immediately format your chart. Different styles include a variety of chart elements.

You can also add private elements in theAdd Chart Elementmenu:


In the image above, nosotros've selected standard fault bars.


Excel automatically calculates the standard error (or whatever is necessary for your chosen element) and inserts it into the graph.

Keep in mind that y'all can also remove elements through this card, too.

Kasper Langmann, Co-founder of Spreadsheeto

Data tables, grid lines, tendency lines, axis labels, and more than tin be found in this menu. It should be your first stop when editing a line graph.

TheQuick Layout carte du jour gives y'all a fast way to add and remove elements. Select i of the templates from the menu and you'll become a specific combination of elements:


You lot can also chop-chop modify the color palette with theModify Colors menu. Select any color combination and your line chart volition go a quick makeover:


One of the most common things you'll want to do on your line graph is add together markers.

Markers are the symbols (oft circles) at each signal on your line. Hither's a set of circular markers:


To add or edit the markers on your line,correct-click the line in your nautical chart and selectFormat Data Series:


A panel volition appear on the correct side of the screen.

Click the paint can, thenclick "Marker."


Open up theMark Options group, and selectCongenital-in. Then select the type and size.


That's a lot of steps, but once you do it a couple times, it becomes like shooting fish in a barrel.

Kasper Langmann, Co-founder of Spreadsheeto

Note that you tin also selectLine with Markers when you lot're creating the graph to get the markers in from the commencement.

If you lot didn't select all the data you lot desire, or you lot added data to your gear up, y'all tin accommodate the information included in your graph. ClickSelect Information in the Ribbon.


The resulting window will let yous type or click-and-drag to select the information that should be included in your graph.


You can besides use this window to switch the rows and columns of your graph.

But there'south a push right in the Ribbon that does that for you, as well:


You tin also utilize theMove Chart push button to move your nautical chart to an existing canvas or create a new one for it:


This is especially useful, because most of the time you won't want your graph right on pinnacle of your data.

Kasper Langmann, Co-founder of Spreadsheeto

There are more pattern options in theFormat tab, also. We won't become over them hither, because they're cocky-explanatory.

If you want to alter colors or fonts, head to this tab and look around.

Creating multi-line charts

Making graphs with multiple lines is only as easy as creating single-line graphs.

Organize your information so that each category has all the respective values in the same row or column:


Then highlight your information and click the second Line button.


From hither, yous can use all the same editing techniques tocustomize your multi-line chart.

An efficient way to present data

A line graph might not seem like much—it's simply a line, afterward all. But information technology tin exist a very powerful tool for presenting information!

Few charts are are unproblematic as the line nautical chart, but information technology can prove a lot of data in a small space.

And because almost everyone is very familiar with this type of visual, you won't have to explain how information technology works.

It's easy to underestimate the humble line graph, simply give credit where it's due!

Kasper Langmann, Co-founder of Spreadsheeto