
How To Increase Volume Of Video On Mac

It'due south non a hugger-mugger that MacBook doesn't take the best sound arrangement amidst laptops. Very oftentimes the audio of some YouTube videos is so low, and then I have to put the MacBook on my chest to hear when I am in a noisy environment. I researched various means to amplify sound on MacBook and hither is what I institute.

Then, how to make Mac volume louder than maximum?

At that place are multiple ways to make Mac volume louder, ranging from DIY equalizers to paid tools such as Boom 3D and its alternatives. There also browser plug-ins to which amplify audio when watching YouTube or Netflix in Chrome. However, those tools can might damage MacBook speakers.

Is this an OS trouble?

I read in some forums that the problem with the low sound level on Macs is because Apple intentionally limits the max book to protect the speakers. To test this hypothesis I used the MacBook with both macOS and Windows (Bootcamp) installed.

I used NIOSH Sound Level Meter to measure the sound output. I as well used the same video on YouTube and the same browser (same version) with all audio controls ready to maximum. While I understand that this is not the perfect setting it'due south as close I could get.

During the test, I institute that macOS was louder than Windows past x.3 dB. Another myth debunked!

macOS settings

Before trying to use non-traditional methods make certain that the settings on the MacBook are properly ready. If they are not then but settings them properly may be enough at this point.

Go to Arrangement Preferences (link) and click on the Sound panel. In the dialog box click on Sound tab

Sound System Preferences
Sound System Preferences

First, make sure that the Residual is ready in the middle. If you lot move the Balance all the manner to the left and then right speakers will be muted.

Side by side, make sure that the Mute box is unchecked. If information technology is checked and so manifestly volition exist no sound at all.

If you check the box "Prove volume in the menu bar" then you lot will be able to command the book level from the menu bar. Moving the book slider in this dialog or from the menu bar has the aforementioned event as using F11/F12 keys on the keyboard or volume control on the Touch Bar.


If you lot are using F11/F12 keys the volume level changes in big increments, so it is hard to set the exact sound level you need. In this instance, use concur Shift and Option (Alt) keys with F11 and F12. You lot will be able to change the volume in quarter increments and get the precise volume level.

MacBook volume suddenly low

Sometimes the sound volume gets depression all of a sudden.

While there are multiple reasons for this the two near common fixes when MacBook volume suddenly drops are:

  1. Force Quit all applications or restart the computer.
    Some applications take command of the speakers and do not properly release them. It happens with Safari a lot. Another awarding that has this trouble is Squad Viewer.
    With Tv you can either force quit after the session or uncheck the "Computer sound" option. Restarting the computer is another way of quitting all applications.
  2. Reset NVRAM/PRAM and SMC.
    NVRAM and PRAM keep a lot of settings in the memory including some information virtually speakers. When those settings got corrupted they may preclude changing the sound volume on MacBooks.

If you lot need instructions on resetting them check my other commodity: 18 Ways to Fix MacBook Black Screen

How to increase volume in iTunes

If iTunes is your main app to listen to the music and podcasts or watch movies there is a fashion to boost its book.

Start iTunes. And then either go to Blaster item from Window bill of fare or use Command+Option(Alt)+E key combination.

iTunes Equalizer
iTunes Blaster

This will bring upwards an Equalizer window where yous tin either choose a preset (the default is Flat) or boost all frequencies manually. I decided to do the latter and compare volume before and after with the aforementioned music file.

When I just increment Preamp to the max the book did increase by about 4dB according to my app. The sound was noticeably higher and at times painfully so for my ears.

When I maxed out all frequency bands the sound got distorted, merely the volume got college past an additional dB (5dB total).

Annotation: I am not a sound practiced so I used the sound test I found from the internet which was already recorded on a very high level. It is possible that if I had the sound file with a lower level I would get even improve results.

Simply the point of the exercise does not accurately mensurate the sound but rather find out ways to boost the sound on the Mac beyond the max.

Other media players

If you watching downloaded movies or DVD I recommend trying another very popular app – VLC media player. Y'all tin can download a DMG file (installation package) from here.

Right off the bat VLC is louder so iTunes by about 2.5dB (in my test) if yous just prepare the volume of the player to the maximum.

Then if you go to VLC Preferences and click on Audio tab, there will be an "Always reset audio start level to" setting which by default is set up to 100%. I moved it upwards all the manner to 200% and tested the audio once more. This time the gain over base of operations iTunes level was v.5dB.

200% level audio boost in VLC
200% level audio boost in VLC

Then I found VLC Equalizer.

To get to it get to Window menu and so click on Sound Furnishings or simply use Shift+Command+Due east primal combination. I enabled Preamp and set it to the max. This fourth dimension the level was higher by half dozen.5dB over base iTunes measurement. I had to use headphones for testing to avoid damaging my ears.

VLC Equalizer
VLC Equalizer

Raising Youtube and Netflix volumes

While nosotros found out the style to heave volumes for music and movies played past iTunes and other media players information technology doesn't help with YouTube clips or Netflix movies because they require internet browsers to scout.

Fortunately, if at that place is a need to do something in Chrome at that place is almost e'er a plug-in for information technology. One of the best Chrome extensions for this purpose is "Ears: Bass Heave, EQ Any Sound!".

Later installing it in Chrome click on the new icon in the extension bar. The configuration menu tin too be opened in the total window.

Ears Chrome Extension
Ears Chrome Extension

The basic version of the extension is free, just if needed one tin can upgrade to Pro version for $0.99 per month.

Again, I compared the sound volume of YouTube clip before and afterward volume boost in Ears plug-in.

And yep, the plug-in has delivered. The heave from the free version was about 5.3dB.

So, if y'all looking to increment volume on annihilation you picket or mind on Chrome browser then Ears extension is exactly what you need.

And then far we explored some options to boost audio in specific applications on Mac: iTunes, VLC, browsers. Simply I don't want to have multiple means to practise the aforementioned, I want to have 1 mode to boost sound organisation-wide.

Is this possible? The answer is aye. Outset, let'due south review some paid tools and then see if we can notice some complimentary alternatives.

Commercial apps to boost audio arrangement broad

Audio Hijack from Rogue Amoeba

Audio Hijack was on the market place for many years. It has lots of functions including capturing audio from whatever app and device on Mac, podcast recording, etc.

I am only interested in the volume pumping functionality the app provides. The app is very expensive: $59 for a single license, but they allow me to download a trial version which I used for testing.

Audio Hijack
Audio Hijack

After download click on New session, cull Increase volume from the Templates. I tested 2x and 4x override options. Again, I used iTunes prune, merely offset I turned off equalizer settings.

At 2x boost the sound level increase past 3.6dB (almost the same equally iTines with Preamp), at 4x it was fifty-fifty college by v.6dB (a fiddling less than VLC media player maximum).

Boom 3D

Another paid app is Boom 3D from Global Please. They used to accept quite popular Boom ii app which was discontinued.

The new app costs less than Audio Hijack: $39.99. I don't know how often they practise promotions, merely at the fourth dimension of writing they were selling their app for $19.99 ($20 discount).

Similar to Sound Hijack Boom 3D can exist downloaded equally a 30-solar day trial version. But different the app from Rogue Amoeba Smash 3D requires installation.

Afterwards the installation, you need to restart your Mac (very abrasive) because Blast replaces the congenital-in output with its own driver.

Later on restarting the Mac they enquire to sign upwardly on the logon screen. You can skip sign up part past clicking on the push in the elevation correct corner, which I did to avert giving them a bogus email.

But boy, it was worth all the hassle. I move the boost level to the max and ran the aforementioned iTunes test and Nail 3D came out as a winner. The increase was highest with seven.3dB total improvement.

Boom 3D
Smash 3D

Another cool matter nearly Boom: they provide awarding level audio control. It'southward very handy when yous want to accept iTunes play back on the background, merely need incoming messages from Slack be loud so they don't go lost.

To uninstall Boom click on hamburger icon in the top right corner, select About and at the bottom of About screen click on "Uninstall Boom 3D" button.

Smash 3D alternatives

Some users recommended EqMaq2 every bit an alternative to Boom 3D.

Installation process is even more demanding than Boom'southward. Start, it required a driver update, then permissions to change the arrangement. Fortunately, it didn't crave restart this time.

First, I thought information technology increases the book too, only it but works as an blaster. So if yous need a system wide equalizer (for example, when you run Spotify) then EqMaq2 could be a perfect tool for the purpose.


What's skilful about EqMaq2 is that information technology'due south free considering it's an open up source software. Obviously, donations are welcome because even open source developers need coin.

Some other thing I liked about EqMaq2: information technology was like shooting fish in a barrel to uninstall by clicking on Uninstall button on the main screen.

DIY booster (free)

Since EqMaq2 did not exercise what I needed, and I didn't desire to pay for commercial apps I decided to try a DIY option.

The steps are post-obit:

  • Install Soundflower
  • Install AU Lab. AU Lab was an application that comes with macOS in Applications/Utilities, only in Mojave it was removed. Now you can download it from iTunes page.
  • Just unzip the file and outset it.
  • AU Lab will enquire access to Microphone, so yous have to give the access in Preferences -> Security and Privacy panel, Microphone section.
  • Now in Audio panel in Preferences modify the Output from Built-in to Soundflower 2ch.
  • Back in AU Lab in Stereo In/Stereo Out manufactory configuration set Audio Input Device to Soundflower (2ch).
  • In Output Settings alter Sound Output Device to Built-in Output.
  • Click on Create Certificate push button.
DIY volume booster

Well, the results were more than underwhelming. The audio thru AU Lab was in fact 9dB lower than with iTunes baseline!

Word of caution

I must say that some of the boosters are very effective, and then I need to warn readers about ii things:

When I was researching this topic I institute several users complaining that Boom and other apps damaged their MacBook speakers. I believe they were trying to utilize MacBook as DJ equipment.

If you lot need super loud music I suggest to buy proficient external speakers instead using volume booster apps. The good reason to utilise latter is to enhance the volume of audio files which were recorded on a depression level.

Whatever sound over 85dBA can cause hearing damage. If y'all are in the environment where the racket is over 85dBA for 8 hours the damage to the hearing can exist permanent. The level of 100dBA can cause permanent harm later on 15 minutes!


If you need to boost the volume level in iTunes you tin can exercise information technology within the app. The boost y'all go is comparable to the almost commercial apps.

If you demand to improve the sound of YouTube or Netflix videos install Ears Chrome extension and watch the movies in the Chrome browser.

If yous need system wide volume booster get with Smash 3D. It's cheaper than Sound Hijack and provides the most powerful heave from all solutions we covered in this mail.

How To Increase Volume Of Video On Mac,


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