
How To Increase Your Undergraduate Gpa

Yous're halfway through the semester when yous realize you're in problem.

The workload of your organic chemistry class is much larger than you lot anticipated, you're struggling to pass the weekly quizzes in French 102, and you're withal trying to hold down your part-time job at the campus bookstore.

Your grades are suffering, and your GPA is dropping. The financial help office just warned yous you're in danger of losing your scholarships. And your advisor is concerned that you won't take the grades necessary to declare the Stalk major you want to pursue.

In moments like this, information technology's piece of cake to panic. Your primal instincts are boot in, cortisol streaming through your blood equally you lot set up to fight off the threat to your rubber. The issue is a fell cycle of stress and frustration (maybe fifty-fifty depression).

If you lot could only enhance your GPA, so everything would be fine. But it's easier said than washed, especially when y'all're already nether a lot of stress.

There is promise, however. You tin can heighten your GPA and escape the panic yous now discover yourself in.

In this guide, I'll give you the plan you need to raise your GPA back to the number you desire.

How to Calculate Your GPA

Before you tin can take steps to enhance your GPA, yous need to understand how your academy calculates information technology. In theory, this should exist some straightforward arithmetics. In practice, it'southward a bit more complicated due to the unlike ways that universities summate GPA (and the way professors calculate grades).

Note: This article focuses on the system that U.Southward. colleges and universities utilise, every bit that's what I'g most familiar with. If yous simply desire to skip to the section on raising your GPA, click here.

For the purposes of this article, I'll presume that your academy uses a iv.0 scale that ranges from 0.0 to 4.0. This is the most common organisation; if your university uses something different, and then y'all'll need to go to the registrar's office for assist.

The basic formula for GPA is:

Total number of class points earned / total number of credit hours attempted

Allow's break this downwardly:

How Grade Points Work

Grade points are just the grades y'all earn in class. Except, many colleges even so use a alphabetic character course organisation for individual courses.

To go the "course points," you demand to convert your letter grades to their 4.0 scale equivalents.

Each higher has their own arrangement for converting alphabetic character grades to a four.0 scale. This is the most common method:

  • A = four.0
  • A- =
  • B+ = iii.iii
  • B = 3.0
  • B- = 2.7
  • C+ = 2.3
  • C = two.0
  • C- =
  • D = i.0
  • F = 0.0

In practise, some colleges will add together more than decimal places. At Iowa Country, for example, an A- = 3.67. Where I went to college, on the other hand, an A- = 3.667.

You can usually find a table of this information on your college registrar's webpage. For case, here'due south the table from Iowa Land's website:

Iowa State grade point equivalents table

If you can't observe this information online, y'all can also email the registrar and enquire how they calculate GPA.

To get "total form points," multiply the grade point equivalent for each class by the number of credit hours for the form. For example, if you take a iv-hr course and get a B in it, your total grade points for the class will be 12 (assuming "B" = 3 course points).

How Credit Hours Work

I'm sure yous're more familiar with the other part of the GPA equation: credit hours. You can find the credit hours for a course on the syllabus or in any online portal your college uses to track academic progress.

An Example GPA Calculation

At present that you understand the elements of the GPA formula, here's an example of how to calculate information technology. Let's say y'all're taking the following courses at Iowa Land:

  • Calculus 101: 4 credit hours, current form of "C"
  • Spanish 102: iv credit hours, current grade of "B"
  • Philosophy 101: 4 credit hours, current grade of "D"
  • Biology 101 + Lab: v credit hours, current of "B"

First, we demand to convert the letter grades to grade points. Using the table from the registrar, we get the following grade points for each class:

  • Calculus 101: "C" = 2.0 grade points
  • Spanish 102: "B" = 3.0 form points
  • Philosophy 101: "D" = 1.0 course points
  • Biology 101 + Lab: "B" = 3.0 grade points

Adjacent, multiply the grade points for each form by the number of credit hours:

  • Calculus 101: 2.0 form points 10 4 credit hours = eight total grade points
  • Spanish 102: "B" = 3.0 grade points x 4 credit hours = 12 total class points
  • Philosophy 101: "D" = 1.0 class points x 4 credit hours = 4 total grade points
  • Biological science 101 + Lab: "B" = three.0 grade points x 5 credit hours = 15 total grade points

Now, add all of your total course points together. 8 + 12 + 4 + 15 = 39. This is your "total number of class points earned."

Next, nosotros'll add upwardly the credit hours for all of your courses to get 17. This is your "total number of credit hours attempted."

Finally, nosotros merely carve up the total number of grade points earned by the full number of credit hours attempted.

39 total class points earned / 17 credit hours attempted = 2.29 GPA

Phew! I know that was a lot of math. And in practice, I wouldn't recommend you lot calculate your GPA manually.

Instead, you tin can just use a GPA estimator like this one. These calculators let you put in your credit hours and letter of the alphabet grades for each class to rapidly get your GPA.

One final note: If you desire to calculate your cumulative GPA, here'southward the formula:

Cumulative GPA = total grade points earned for all semesters / full credit hours attempted for all semesters

You lot can also use this cumulative GPA calculator.

How to Raise Your Semester GPA

Now that you empathise how to summate your GPA, allow'south get into how y'all can raise it. First, I'll comprehend strategies for raising your GPA this semester. Then, I'll cover some longer-term strategies for keeping your GPA high throughout your higher career.

Seek Out Assistance

If you're concerned about your GPA, y'all should talk to the following people:

  • Your advisor
  • Professors for the courses that you're doing poorly in
  • Your higher's learning center/academic support/tutoring middle
  • Any other relevant support staff

All of the above people are there to help you succeed in college, and then seek out their assistance. They can help you put together a plan to improve your grades.

I know it can be uncomfortable to bring this topic up, but information technology's better to seek out help ASAP rather than wait until your GPA becomes an emergency.

Plough in All Your Homework on Fourth dimension

Always turn in your homework, even if you don't understand the material. Many professors grade homework for completion, so it'southward a quick way to boost your GPA without having to do a ton of extra studying.

Plus, doing the homework for each class volition help you recognize gaps in your knowledge that could crusade problems on exams and final projects.

Attend All Lectures

It's tempting to skip lectures, particularly if the professor puts all of their presentations online. Simply if your GPA is suffering, you lot must attend all the lectures.

Non only volition this help you get a better grasp of the material, only it also ensures that yous don't miss out on of import announcements about newspaper due dates or changes to the syllabus.

And if your professor gives a participation grade for lectures, that'southward an even more compelling reason to show up. Otherwise, yous're just lowering your grade for no reason.

Clubs, sports, music ensembles, and other extracurriculars are an important part of college life. They're a nifty way to brand friends, become a break from studying, and learn things you never could in grade.

However, if your GPA is in danger, then you should consider cut back on your extracurriculars to focus on studying. Yous don't accept to stop doing everything, but remember that you lot won't be able to enjoy clubs at all if you get kicked out of college due to a depression GPA.

Stay on Top of Your Test Schedule

Exams and papers often make up one's mind the majority of your GPA for a given grade, then doing well on them is the highest bear upon way to raise your GPA.

Merely you tin can't succeed on tests and papers if you don't requite yourself time to gear up. For this reason, make certain you put all exam dates and paper due dates on your calendar. Yous practise accept a calendar, right?

Go to Office Hours

Your professor (or TA) has part hours to requite you personalized help with assignments and grade textile. If y'all're struggling in a detail class, so personalized help is likely what y'all need.

Plus, many students never take advantage of office hours. And so if you do go, you'll likely have the professor or TA'south undivided attention.

Note that I'chiliad non recommending y'all show up and say, "I demand help with my homework." This is a waste of everyone's time.

Instead, you should come to your professor or TA with specific questions. For case, "Can you lot help me understand how to observe the area nether a curve?"

Get a Tutor

Sometimes your professor or TA might not be the best at explaining a difficult concept. Or, you lot may need more help than they have time to give y'all.

In these cases, look into getting a tutor. Your university likely provides them for free in most subjects (specially in STEM and language courses). You tin then arrange to meet with your tutor on a regular basis for assistance with homework or exam prep.

Like to part hours, don't become to your tutor with vague, general questions. Instead, make the most of your tutoring sessions with specific questions such every bit, "Tin you lot assistance me sympathize when to use the subjunctive in Castilian?"

Evaluate Your Study Habits

Poor study habits are a mutual reason for a low GPA. Many students never learn how to study effectively, as it'due south not something many high schools teach.

Therefore, information technology's worth taking some time to learn how to report. Here are some study techniques everyone should know:

  • How to make flash cards
  • How to set up for exams
  • How to complete homework efficiently
  • How to study math
  • How to stay focused while studying

Take Exercise Tests

If you're struggling with taking tests or exams, try doing practise tests. Practise tests accept two benefits:

  1. They help you effigy out what cloth you need to review and written report further.
  2. They aid you simulate test conditions and exist less anxious on exam twenty-four hour period.

Yous can usually set up exercise tests at your college's learning center or even direct with your professors.

Alter a Form to Pass/Neglect

By default, all of your courses are for credit. But it doesn't accept to be this style. In many cases, your college will allow you to take a certain number of courses for pass/fail.

This tin exist a good way to go general educational activity courses out of the way without hurting your GPA. Information technology's as well a manner to explore a course that interests you lot but that has a lot of difficult, time-consuming coursework.

To change a course to pass/neglect, talk to your professor and the registrar. Note that there'due south frequently a borderline for switching courses to pass/fail, so do this ASAP if y'all're because it.

Consider Dropping a Class

In certain cases, the best thing for your GPA may be to drop a form birthday. This is a drastic measure out, so only do it if you've tried other steps for improving your grade.

If you're doing poorly in an elective that you lot don't strictly need, for instance, and then y'all're hurting your GPA for nothing. Don't let the sunk toll fallacy trick you into "sticking it out" just because yous already invested fourth dimension in a course.

Sometimes, it's best only to walk away. It doesn't mean you're a "failure." Information technology merely ways you lot're making a tactical decision.

How to Raise Your Cumulative GPA

Now that you have some tips for raising your GPA this semester, let's look at some strategies for raising your GPA in the long term. If you lot want to increase your cumulative college GPA, this is the information yous need.

Don't Take Difficult Courses Without Good Reason

When you're picking your classes for the semester, it'due south easy to discount how much work a class volition take:

  • "Reading a novel each week? I tin can exercise that in my slumber."
  • "Multivariable calculus? Sounds like a breeze."
  • "Upper-level biochem with a 3-hr lab? No problem."

In certain cases, your major volition require y'all to have difficult courses. But you should think carefully earlier taking difficult electives.

You should challenge yourself, of grade. Merely don't accept difficult electives just to impress future employers (they don't intendance), for bragging rights (you're non impressing anyone), or considering all of your friends are.

Instead, be realistic about the amount of piece of work you can handle. If you really do desire to take difficult electives, then either audit them or do and so for pass/fail. Your GPA will give thanks you.

Notice Courses with the Correct Ratio of Credit Hours to Difficulty

Remember the formula for GPA? Information technology'south "Total number of course points earned / total number of credit hours attempted."

When seeking to raise your GPA, information technology's piece of cake to focus on the "total number of grade points earned." Boosting your grades is absolutely a skilful step to have, but don't forget about the other variable: credit hours attempted.

If yous can discover an easy course that offers a large number of credit hours, it tin be a good mode to boost your overall GPA. To discover such courses, I recommend asking older students and also consulting Rate My Professors.

Just exist certain to take this advice with a grain of common salt; what's "easy" for one person might be difficult for some other.

By the same token, avert taking difficult courses with lots of credit hours. These courses can elevate your GPA down even further, every bit y'all tin can stop up with a depression grade that counts for more of your overall GPA.

Design Your Schedule Effectually Your Nigh Difficult (Required) Courses

Sometimes, y'all'll need to take hard courses for your major. In this case, you should design your course schedule so that you lot can focus as much time every bit possible on the challenging courses.

For instance, if you know that you'll take to take organic chemical science (a notoriously challenging "weed out" course), so don't take a bunch of challenging electives at the same fourth dimension. Instead, sign upwardly for some easier electives that withal meet general education requirements.

Also, consider taking fewer hours overall during a semester when y'all take to have peculiarly challenging courses. This will give you more than time to spend studying the challenging material.

Of course, ever consult your counselor and the registrar when designing your course schedule. They can help yous create a schedule that lets you succeed in challenging courses while also keeping y'all on track to graduate.

Consider Changing Your Major

Ane constructive strategy for raising your cumulative GPA is to alter your major. Afterward all, a low GPA could only be a sign that yous're in the wrong field.

As with dropping a course, this is a serious conclusion that y'all shouldn't have lightly. Make sure y'all've taken all the other steps nosotros recommend in this guide to exercise better in your courses. But if that notwithstanding isn't working, then a new major could exist the best decision.

Afterward all, it's better to pick a major you can excel in than to fight it out in one where you aren't up to the work. Your advisor and the registrar tin help you through the process of changing your major, too as assistance you decide what major might be a better fit.

GPA Isn't Everything

Finally, I want to remind you lot that GPA isn't everything.

Unless you're trying to get into med school, law school, or grad schoolhouse, you shouldn't worry virtually having as high a GPA equally humanly possible.

Employers, in particular, do not intendance virtually GPA. If your GPA is low, just leave it off your resume. Almost no one is going to ask you lot about it in an interview.

A hiring manager would rather meet that y'all spent more fourth dimension working on projects outside of class or doing other things to make yourself more qualified for the job.

Need assistance putting together a resume that will impress recruiters? Check out this guide.

Paradigm Credits: Iowa Land GPA table, featured

How To Increase Your Undergraduate Gpa,


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